Pricing Policy(PP) Section
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Pricing Policy(PP) Section

This section looks after Pricing Policy of deregulated petroleum products i.e. Subsidized Domestic LPG & PDS Kerosene. The main activities handled by this section are:

  • Payment of Subsidy claims under DBTL (PAHAL) Scheme and DBTK Scheme.
  • Matters relating to issue of cash assistance, sharing of under-recoveries of PSU Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs).
  • Supply of Information / advice to other Ministries of Government of India etc. in pricing matters.
  • Contingent liability claims of Oil companies for the Administered Price Mechanism (APM) period.
  • Budget proposals of the petroleum sector.
  • Administration of Direct Benefit Transfer in Kerosene (DBTK) Scheme, 2016.
  • Dealer's / Distributors' commission on PDS Kerosene / Subsidized Domestic LPG.
  • Pricing of LPG