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Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited

HPCL has two Refineries, one at Mumbai (West Coast) with installed refining capacity of 7.5 MMTPA and the other refinery at Visakhapatnam (East Coast) with installed refining capacity of 8.3 MMTPA.

The information on the refineries is as under :

Mumbai Refinery (MR):

Mumbai Refinery was commissioned in 1954 by erstwhile 'ESSO standard refining Company of India', with a crude refining capacity of 1.25 MMTPA in 1954. The Lube Refinery was commissioned in 1969 as a joint venture between ESSO & Government of India with a capacity of 165 TMT of Lubricating Oil Base Stocks. HPCL was incorporated in 1974 after the takeover and merger of 'Esso Standard Refining Company of India Limited' and 'Lube India Limited' by Government of India.

After takeover by HPCL, the capacity of Mumbai Refinery has been augmented by way of expansions, de-bottlenecking and process modifications to 5.5 MMTPA from 1.25 MMTPA in 1985. Post Green Fuels Emission Control (GFEC) Project commissioning, installed capacity was enhanced to 6.5 MMTPA. The capacity was further enhanced to 7.5 MMTPA post Diesel Hydro Treating Block commissioning in 2014.

Visakh Refinery (VR):

The Visakhapatnam Refinery was commissioned in 1956 as Caltex Oil Refining India Ltd. (CORIL) with capacity of 0.65 MMTPA. It was later taken over by GoI in 1976 and merged with HPCL in 1978.

First expansion (VREP-I) of Visakh Refinery was carried out in 1985 with capacity increase from 1.5 MMTPA to 4.5 MMTPA. The second expansion (VREP-II) was carried out in 1999 increasing the capacity to 7.5 MMTPA. Further, the units have been revamped in 2010 to augment capacity to 8.3 MMTPA.


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