  • घर
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  • रिफानरी प्रभाग
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  • बायो ईंधन
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  • नीति/अधिनियम/विनियम
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  • 1G-इथेनॉल


  • Long Term Ethanol Procurement Policy Under Ethanol Blended Petrol (Ebp) Programme 2019-2024(Click here)(PDF 481KB).
  • Ethanol Blending Mandate in States and UTs-Dated 05-02-2019(Click here)(PDF 333KB).
  • Ethanol Blending Mandate in States and UTs-Dated 03-09-2002(Click here)(PDF 386KB).
  • Supply of surplus rice with FCI for the production of ethanol.(Click here)(PDF 113KB).
  • OM on NBCC decision.(Click here)(PDF 99.4KB).
  • Policy for sale of wheat and rice in the open market through Open Market Sale Scheme(Domestic) during 2020-2021.(Click here)(PDF 525KB)


DFPD has developed a portal to monitor the progress of projects in various states on Real-Time basis who have been accorded approval under the Ethanol Interest Subvention Scheme, Status of Loan applications submitted in Banks, Status of Environment Clearances, Project Progress etc.

